Success means a lot to different people and the approach which we all give towards attaining success differs also.
Success is your inborn possession. You are here on this planet, at this time, with an inborn possession to create every single thing you desire. This is an acknowledgment of the fact that you are a divine being having a human experience.
You are here to remember, and your desires mark the beginning of your remembrance. When you stop muting them and start allowing them to lead you to the path you were created to play out, life will become much more interesting than it is currently. As a spiritual person, you may have bought into the general spiritual superstition that it is not okay to be wealthy and spiritual but that is just the story spread by those who refused to stay on track to fulfill all their desires.
Amazingly, there is something inside you right now telling you that what I am saying is true. There is a deep acknowledgment inside you that your desires are sacred. So, why not stop fighting your true design, stop calling it greedily and instead choose to live in the fullness of your ability and open up to receive all that is rightfully yours.
Here are 2 master keys to unlock the door to your prosperity in life:
1. Affirmations
Life and death lie in the tongue. Even the Bible confirms that. What influence are your words creating in your life? Most people have forgotten that they've been empowered adequately with the ability to speak success/breakthroughs into their lives. We can no longer be referred to as 'most' people. You have to be very conscious of the words you let out of your mouth or even those you let inhabit your mind. Those words accumulately determine what actions you take and finally what results you'll get.
From a spiritual perspective, your words go past just you into the energy of the universe. You attract what you seem to desire and the universe can only figure that out by noticing what words seems to keep coming out of your mouth. Essentially, what seems to be the default state of your mind.
Deliberately watch the words and phrases that come from you. Be aware of your inner desires and put that vision into writing as a list of affirmations. Start with "I give thanks that..." or simply use "I am now...". Notice if your mind sends out any resistance to what you are writing down and tweak it until it represents your desires in a way that does not cause your mind to throw up too many objections.
For instance, a goal stated as "I give thanks for my growing ability to create x amount of money each and every month" is less likely to cause a negative reaction from your mind than "I am now creating x amount of money."
Can you see the difference? Once you've written them, you should declare it to yourself continuously until they become second nature to you to say what you want, rather than joking or talking about what you do not. GET DELIBERATE about your words.
"My life is a gift. I will use this gift with confidence, joy, and exuberance."
2. Imagination.
Your imagination is another superpower of yours and it connects you with the Divine. Most people imagine the worst a lot of the time, therefore sending out the message they want more of the same and then wonder why their life seems to represent what they do not want. Again, we can no longer be most.
The same way your imagination can attract low-level situations, it can also attract high vibe situations taking you where you are expectant to be. Deliberately choose to fill your mind with visions of what you choose to create. Occasionally, take a few moments, every 30 minutes - 1 hour to sit in silence and imagine DELIBERATELY the life you are creating.
Be the star of the show. Do the things you would be doing. Have the things you desire to have and manipulate them in your mind settings. You must transit into the feeling of your vision fulfilled because it only takes 90 seconds to create an elevated and open success consciousness.
Your mind cannot differentiate between your imagined reality and your true reality so as you deliberately practice this, you will find out that you are more inclined to take specific actions that you initially could not have imagined because now your mind is seeking to resolve the difference between what you imagine and your actual reality - It will support you in making this happen. Try it for a period of time and experience yourself the changes that will be attracted into your life.
"You create your own reality. - Jane Roberts
These two master keys, if practiced, will expose you to a lot more success than you are currently experiencing. Please do realize that there is no real lack of anything in the world, there are simply people who lack consciousness. Opt out of that, and become someone who chooses to see abundance in everyone and then take action to make it a reality firstly for you and then for the people you choose to serve.
Always remember success is your inborn possession. Accept nothing less.